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Maintenance and repairs

We are specialists in the repair, rehabilitation, and revision of gearboxes from various manufacturers, including:

• Hansen Getriebe
• Jahnel & Kestermann Getriebe
Stiebel-Getriebebau GmbH & Co. KG
• as well as many other well-known brands.

Our range of services includes:

  • Spare part procurement: We provide original or customized replacement parts for your installations.
  • Single-piece manufacturing: Precision production of individual components as needed.
  • New solutions: Development and implementation of modern and efficient drivetrain concepts.
  • Reliability: We ensure that your installations operate smoothly and reliably.

With our experience and commitment, we guarantee long-term functionality and efficiency of your installations. Trust our expertise!

Feel free to contact us for a non-binding consultation.

Gear Manufactur

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